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Universal Teas-The Brand

Podcasting| Coaching| Public Speaking

"Changing Your Life Starts with Changing Your Mind"

Meet Toya

Podcast Host| Life Coach

Hey Friends! Its me, Toya, the host of Universal Teas - The People's Podcast, and Universal Teas the Brand.

I wanted to create a space and an opportunity for all people to actively acknowledge, unpack, heal, and grow through all of life's traumas and challenges. This is a community of support! One that reassures you that you are NEVER alone in your struggles and ensures that you don't feel alone in your healing. Just as pain and hard times are universal, so is growth, strength, and healing. Birthed from attempting to heal through my own heartbreak alone, I was constantly compelled to use my voice as a means of healing which in turn, began help others. And so here we are! Here is the place were we share that tea, universally. Happy Healing!


- Love Toya 

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What I Specialize In

Building Meaningful Connections with Listeners

Self Empowerment Strategies 

Building Community Networking Through Group Workshops

Setting Growth & Healing Goals

Personalized Self Improvement Plans


The Journey Towards Being Better for the World, Starts With Being Better for YOU. Begin Your Journey Today.

"I just wanted to say I'm so glad I got the chance to listen to what you had to say even briefly. Thank you so much for sharing information! Keep it up because what you're doing is amazing!" 

- Eesle Koh

"Friend!!!! Im watching now and lemme just say, I'm so inspired by you!! 

- Leticia Guthrie

"I wanted to let you know how great I thought it was. I really walked away feeling better about myself and was challenged in a way that I haven't been in a long time but in a good way. I really appreciate how you're helping your friends be their best self." 

- Max Cromier

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